Grade 4 Health
Self-Advocacy - Explore our personal web of support for the New Year. Who will be our trusted grown-ups this year?
Conflict Resolution - When and how can we ask for help?
Recognizing our feelings – How is this important to good health?
Personal boundaries – What are they? How do they affect relationships with others and with self?
Disease Prevention – Differentiate contagious from non-contagious; describe how disease spreads; how can I protect myself?
Sleep Hygiene – Why is sleep so important for me? How does it affect me physically, emotionally and socially?
Drug Abuse prevention – The dangers of nicotine addiction from Vape and Tobacco Use; Role-play how to refuse a drug offer.
Decision Making - students are introduced to a 4-step decision making process they will apply to various drug abuse scenarios.
Nutrition – Building a healthy meal with the help of MyPlate; analyzing food labels; why food groups matter.
Injury Prevention – Tick-borne Illnesses: Lyme Disease; why should I be concerned about ticks? How do I protect myself and my family?
Conflict Resolution - When and how can we ask for help?
Recognizing our feelings – How is this important to good health?
Personal boundaries – What are they? How do they affect relationships with others and with self?
Disease Prevention – Differentiate contagious from non-contagious; describe how disease spreads; how can I protect myself?
Sleep Hygiene – Why is sleep so important for me? How does it affect me physically, emotionally and socially?
Drug Abuse prevention – The dangers of nicotine addiction from Vape and Tobacco Use; Role-play how to refuse a drug offer.
Decision Making - students are introduced to a 4-step decision making process they will apply to various drug abuse scenarios.
Nutrition – Building a healthy meal with the help of MyPlate; analyzing food labels; why food groups matter.
Injury Prevention – Tick-borne Illnesses: Lyme Disease; why should I be concerned about ticks? How do I protect myself and my family?