New Milford Public Schools
Department of Human Resources
25 Sunny Valley Road, Suite A
New Milford, CT 06776
Logging On To Munis ESS
Information about employment opportunities and all required forms are online at Applitrack.
For specific requirements of each job category, please refer to the particular employment application for that category.
Please consult the online information before calling Human Resources.
Candidates for teaching positions must be certified or certifiable in Connecticut in the appropriate subject area.
New Milford Public Schools has partnered with ESS (Educational Staffing Solution) to manage our substitute program.
If you’re interested in working as a substitute for our district,
please visit to apply or call 877.983.2244 for more information
Call the New Milford Bus Terminal at (860) 350-2880 or apply today online
at the bus terminal at 7 Dodd Road, New Milford, CT.

School Volunteers-Chaperones
The Board of Education recognizes that volunteers can make many valuable contributions to our schools. The Board endorses a volunteer program that encourages community residents to take an active role to become school volunteers subject to suitable regulations and safeguards.
The New Milford Public Schools recognizes that just about any volunteer situation may result in direct contact with students. Our obligation to take appropriate measures to keep our children safe is one of our primary concerns. We will be requiring criminal history checks, at no cost to you, of all adults who wish to act as volunteers in our schools or chaperones on our field trips.
Click the following link or scan the QR code to submit a request to volunteer.
Thank you. It is the partnership with the community volunteers that make our school district so great!

- Administrators Association Collective Bargaining Agreement effective 7-1-2023 through 6-30-2026.pdf
- New Milford BOE -- 2022 Custodian Negotiations -- FINAL 2022-2026 Collective Bargaining Agreement -- Fully Executed -- 6.21.2023.pdf
- New Milford BOE -- 2022 Food Services Negotiations -- FINAL 2022-2026 CBA -- Fully Executed -- 6.21.2023.pdf
- NMPS Administrators Contract 2023.2026.pdf
- Nurses CBA 7-1-21 to 6-30-24.pdf
- Paraeducator Agreement - July 1 2024-June 30 2028 (SIGNED).pdf
- Secretaries Contract 2024-2027.pdf
- Teacher's Agreement 7-1- 2022 to 6-30-2026.pdf