BOE Policies
- 1005 Prohibition Against Smoking.pdf
- 1105 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Non-Discrimination (Community).pdf
- 1110.1 Communications with the Public.PDF
- 1111 School Security and Safety .pdf
- 1151 Policy Regarding Green Cleaning Programs.pdf
- 1152 Pesticide Application on School Property.pdf
- 1153 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Automatic External Defibrillators.pdf
- 1212 School Volunteers, Student Interns and Other Non-Employees.pdf
- 1250 Policy Regarding Visitors and Observations in Schools.pdf
- 1313 Gifts to School Personnel.pdf
- 1325 Advertising and Promotion.pdf
- 5117 School Attendance Areas REGULATION.pdf
- 1330 Policy Community Relations Use of School Facilities.pdf
- 1330 Regulation Community Relations Use of School Facilities Revised Nov 19 2019.pdf
- 1700 Deadly Weapons or Firearms.pdf
- 3000 Concept and Roles in Business and Non Instructional Operations.pdf
- 3110 Budget Planning.pdf
- 3152 Spending Public Funds for Advocacy.pdf
- 3160 Budget and Transfer of Funds.pdf
- 3230 Federal Funds.pdf
- 3231 Medical Reimbursement for Special Education Students.pdf
- 3240 Tuition Fees.pdf
- 3260 Sales & Disposal of Books Equipment Supplies.pdf
- 3280 Gifts to the School.pdf
- 3300 Purchasing.pdf
- 3313 Relations with Vendors.pdf
- 3432 Budget and Expense Report/Annual Financial Statement.pdf
- 3440 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Individuals with Disabilites Education Act Fiscal Compliance.pdf
- 3450 Monies in School Buildings.pdf
- 3451 Petty Cash Funds.pdf
- 3453 School Activity Funds.pdf
- 3513.1 Energy Conservation.pdf
- 3514 Code of Conduct Governing Procurements Under a Federal Award.pdf
- 3516.11 Hazardous Materials Communication.pdf
- 3516.3 Safety.pdf
- 3516.4 Sex Offender Notification.pdf
- 3520 Student Data Privacy.pdf
- 3524.11 Hazardous Material in School.pdf
- 3532.1 Liability Insurance.pdf
- 3541.23 Bus Contractor.pdf
- 3541.313 Routes and Services/Transportation.pdf
- 3541.44 Transportation.pdf
- 3542.31 Free or Reduced Price Lunches.pdf
- 3542.42 Cafeterias - Handling of School Lunch Funds.pdf
- 3542.45 Vending Machines.pdf
- 4111 Hiring of Certified Staff.pdf
- 4111.1 4211.1 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Non-Discrimination (Personnel) 12.19.23.pdf
- 4112.5 4212.5 Employment and Student Teacher Background Checks.pdf
- 4112.8 4212.8 Nepotism.pdf
- 4115.1 4215.1 Evaluation, Termination, and Non-Renewal of Athletic Coaches.pdf
- 4115.2 Emergency Action Plan for Interscholastic and Intramural Athletic Events.pdf
- 4115.3 Exertional Heat Illness Awareness for Intramural and Interscholastic Athletics.pdf
- 4116 Increasing Educator Diversity Plan.pdf
- 4116 Plan for Minority Educator Recruitment.pdf
- 4118.112 4218.112 Policy Regarding Employees and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Personnel).pdf
- 4118.113 4218.113 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Prohibition of Sex Discrimination, Including Sex-Based Harassment.pdf
- 4118.23 4218.23 Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility for Personnel.pdf
- 4118.231 4218.231 Alcohol Tobacco and Drug-free Workplace.pdf
- 4118.234 4218.234 Prohibition on Recommendations of Psychotropic Drugs.pdf
- 4118.25 4218.25 Reports of Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Children or Reports of Sexual Assault of Students by School Employees (11.21.23).pdf
- 4118.25 4218.25 Reports of Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Children or Reports of Sexual Assault of Students by School Employees.pdf
- 4118.231 Drug and Alcohol Use Regulation.pdf
- 4118.6 4218.6 Employee Use of the Disrict's Computer Systems and Communications.pdf
- 4119 Prohibition on Recommendations for Psychotropic Drugs.pdf
- 4120 Reports of Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Adults with an Intellectually Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdf
- 4121 R 4221 R Administrative Regulations Regarding Concussion Management and Training for Athletic Coaches.pdf
- 4131 R 4231 R Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Social Media.pdf
- 4132 4232 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness for Intramural and Interscholastic Athletics.pdf
- 4147.1 4247.1 Administrative Regulations Regarding Bloodborne Pathogens.pdf
- 4152.6 4252.6 Family and Medical Leave.pdf
- 4211 Hiring of Non-certified Staff.pdf
- 5000 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Non-Discrimination (Students) 12.19.23.pdf
- 5111 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Attendance,Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism.pdf
- 5113.14 R Administrative Regulation Junior Senior Privileges.pdf
- 5114 Removal Suspension Expulsion.pdf
- 5115 Physical Activity Undirected Play and Student Discipline.pdf
- 5116 Pledge of Allegiance.pdf
- 5117 School Attendance Areas Regulation.pdf
- 5118.1 Policy Regarding Homeless Children and Youth.pdf
- 5118.1 R Administrative Regulations Regarding Homeless Children and Youth.pdf
- 5121.2 R Administrative Regulation Eligibility for Honor Rolls.pdf
- 5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention.pdf
- 5124 Reporting to Parents Guardians - Report Cards.pdf
- 5125 Policy and Administrative Regulation Regarding Confidentiality and Access to Education Records (FERPA).pdf
- 5125 Student Records: Confidentiality - Regulation.pdf
- 5131 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Student Discipline.pdf
- 5131.111 Conduct: Camera Surveillance.pdf
- 5131.3 Student Driving and Parking.pdf
- 5131.5 Vandalism.pdf
- 5131.6 Drug and Alcohol Use by Students.pdf
- 5131.81 Use of Private Technological Devices by Students.pdf
- 5131.8 Out of School Misconduct.pdf
- 5131.9 Student Use of the District's Computer Systems and Internet Safety.pdf
- 5131.91 Connecticut School Climate Policy.pdf
- 5131.911 Bullying Prevention and Intervention and Safe School Climate Plan and Administrative Regulations.pdf
- 5132 Student Dress Policy.pdf
- 5132 Student Dress Regulation Approved.pdf
- 5134 Meal Charging.pdf
- 5135 Chemical Health for Student Athletes.pdf
- 5141.23 Management Plan for Food Allergies, Glycogen Storage Disease, and_or Diabetes.pdf
- 5141.3 R Administrative Regulations Regarding Health Assessments, Screening, and Oral Screenings.pdf
- 5141.221 R Administrative Regulations Regarding Immunizations.pdf
- 5141.5 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Suicide Prevention and Intervention (11.21.23).pdf
- 5141.5 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Suicide Prevention and Intervention.pdf
- 5142 Administration of Student Medications in Schools.pdf
- 5143 Policy and Administrative Regulations Concerning Sunscreen Application in School.pdf
- 5145.12 Policy and Administrative Regulation Regarding Search and Seizure.pdf
- 5145.45 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 & Title II of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990.pdf
- 5145.7 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Prohibition of Sex Discrimination, Including Sex-Based Harassment.pdf
- 5146 Child Sexual Abuse and Assault Response Policy and Reporting.pdf
- 5156 Student Privacy (PPRA).pdf
- 5157 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Physical Restraint and Seclusion and Exclusionary Time Out.pdf
- 5158 Policy to Improve Completion Rates of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).pdf
- 5159 Education Stability Procedures.pdf
- 5160 Policy Regarding Wellness.pdf
- 5161 Field Trip Policy and Administrative Regulation.pdf
- 5163 Transportation.pdf
- 5164 Policy and Administrative Regulations Regarding Fundraising Activities.pdf
- 5165 High School Graduation Requirements 12.19.23.pdf
- 5175 R Administrative Regulations Regarding Nonresident Students.pdf
- 6141.321_4118.4_4218.4 Responsible Use of Technology, Social Media, and District Network Systems.pdf
- 6142.1 Curricular Exemptions.pdf
- 6144 Policy for the Equitable Identification of Gifted and Talented Students.pdf
- 6147 Parental Access To Instructional Material.pdf
- 6147 Parental Access to Instructional Material 06.20.23.pdf
- 6148 Parent-Teacher Communication.pdf
- 6149 Promotion and Retention.pdf
- 6151 Policy and Administrative Regulation Regarding Weighted Grading for Honors Classes.pdf
- 6154 Policy and Administrative Regulation Regarding Homework.pdf
- 6155 Credit for Online Courses.pdf
- 6159 IDEA - Alternative Assessments.pdf
- 6160 Parent and Family Engagement Policy for Title I Students.pdf
- 7000 Concepts and Roles in Planning for Educational Facilities.pdf
- 7010 Goals and Objectives.pdf
- 7100 Planning.pdf
- 7114.2 Temporary School Facilities.pdf
- 7115 Developing Educational Specifications.pdf
- 7141 Literature Distribution.pdf
- 7240.1 Selection and Installation of Playground Equipment.pdf
- 7500 Occupying Certificate of Occupancy.pdf
- 7540 Assembling and Preserving Documents.pdf
- 9000 Role of Board and Members.pdf
- 9001 Officers.pdf
- 9002 Official Duties - Chairperson.pdf
- 9003 Official Duties - Vice Chairperson.pdf
- 9004 Official Duties - Secretary.pdf
- 9005 Role of the Board and Its Members (Integrity).pdf
- 9006 Removal of Board Officers.pdf
- 9007 Code of Conduct for Board Members.pdf
- 9008 Reimbursement of Board Members' Expenses.pdf
- 9009 Oath of Office.pdf
- 9010 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment or Deletion of Bylaws.pdf
- 9011 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment or Deletion of Policies.pdf
- 9012 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment or Deletion of Administrative Regulations.pdf
- 9013 Suspension of Policies, Bylaws or Regulations.pdf
- 9014 Board Committees.pdf
- 9115 Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board.pdf
- 9125 Attorney.pdf
- 9130 Board Committees.pdf
- 9132 Standing Committees.pdf
- 9150 Board Consultants.pdf
- 9160 Student Involvement in Decision Making.pdf
- 9230 Orientation of Board Members.pdf
- 9240 Board Member Development.pdf
- 9270 Conflict of Interest.pdf
- 9271 Code of Ethics.pdf
- 9320 Meetings of the Board.pdf
- 9321 Time, Place and Notification of Meetings.pdf
- 9322 Public and Executive Session.pdf
- 9323 Construction of the Agenda.pdf
- 9324 Advance Delivery of Meeting Materials.pdf
- 9325 Meeting Conduct.pdf
- 9325.1 Quorum.pdf
- 9325.2 Order of Business.pdf
- 9325.21 Order of Business Consent Agenda.pdf
- 9325.4 Vote Recording.pdf
- 9330 Board/School District Recordings.pdf
- 9332 Electronic Communications.pdf
- 9350 Hearings.pdf
- 9360 Legislative Program.pdf
- 9400 Monitoring Products and Processes.pdf
- 9410 Public Announcement of Accomplishments.pdf
- 9420 Recognition of Accomplishments by Citizens, Students, Staff Members or Members of the Board.pdf