Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Guidelines for the Use of Personal Technology on Campus
Technology has changed the way we approach education as we prepare our students for future opportunities. We understand the many positive educational benefits of using technology in the classroom and importance of the integration of technology in our curriculum. In an effort to encourage our students and continue to develop their technology skills, students in the New Milford Public Schools may use their own technology at school for educational purposes.
Definition of Personal Technology
For purposes of this policy, “personal technology” means a privately owned, wireless, and portable electronic hand-held equipment that includes, but is not limited to, existing and emerging mobile communication systems and smart technologies, portable internet devices, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), hand held entertainment systems or portable information technology systems that can be used for word processing, wireless Internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc.
Use of Technology for Instructional Purposes
Use of technology in school is a privilege which comes with great responsibility. Students will only be allowed to use their laptops, tablets, cell phones or other electronic devices for educational purposes at school. Checking personal email, socializing via texts or instant messages, or otherwise engaging in personal pursuits is prohibited during the instructional day. Internet Access on School Grounds Only the internet gateway provided by the school may be accessed while on campus. Personal technology, including cell phones and cell network adapters are not permitted to be used to access outside internet sources at any time.
Compliance with other Board Policies
When participating in B.Y.O.D., students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, as well as all Board policies, particularly the New Milford School District’s Acceptable Use Policy. This means that students who use their personal technology at school must abide by the established policies regarding acceptable use of the Internet, bullying, harassment, cheating, threats, student confidentiality and other misconduct that violates school rules or causes a disruption of educational activities.
Additional Guidelines
• Teachers have the discretion to determine when students may use personal technology in the classroom. Students must immediately comply with their teachers’ requests to shut down or put away personal technology. • All personal technology must be in silent mode.
• Students may not use personal technology during any assessments or tests unless otherwise directed by school personnel.
• Students shall not transmit, post or otherwise publicly share photographs or videos that they have taken of any person on school grounds or in a school vehicle.
Security and Damages
Responsibility to keep a student’s personal technology secure rests with the individual owner. New Milford School District, including its staff or employees, is not liable for any device stolen or damaged on campus. If a device is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office in a manner similar to other personal property. It is recommended that students personalize their devices for easy identification and utilize protective cases. The New Milford School District Technology Department will not service any non-district owned technology, which includes troubleshooting, software or hardware issues. Students are responsible for securing their devices and making sure that they have up-to-date anti-virus software installed, if applicable.
Failure to Follow B.Y.O.D. Guidelines
Misuse of personal technology in violation of these guidelines may result in the loss of access privileges, a prohibition on the use or possession of personal technology on school grounds, or other disciplinary consequences up to and including suspension and expulsion.
NMPS Electronic Devices Policy & Form
Technology has changed the way we approach education as we prepare our students for future opportunities. We understand the many positive educational benefits of using technology in the classroom and importance of the integration of technology in our curriculum. In an effort to encourage our students and continue to develop their technology skills, students in the New Milford Public Schools may use their own technology at school for educational purposes.
Definition of Personal Technology
For purposes of this policy, “personal technology” means a privately owned, wireless, and portable electronic hand-held equipment that includes, but is not limited to, existing and emerging mobile communication systems and smart technologies, portable internet devices, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), hand held entertainment systems or portable information technology systems that can be used for word processing, wireless Internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc.
Use of Technology for Instructional Purposes
Use of technology in school is a privilege which comes with great responsibility. Students will only be allowed to use their laptops, tablets, cell phones or other electronic devices for educational purposes at school. Checking personal email, socializing via texts or instant messages, or otherwise engaging in personal pursuits is prohibited during the instructional day. Internet Access on School Grounds Only the internet gateway provided by the school may be accessed while on campus. Personal technology, including cell phones and cell network adapters are not permitted to be used to access outside internet sources at any time.
Compliance with other Board Policies
When participating in B.Y.O.D., students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, as well as all Board policies, particularly the New Milford School District’s Acceptable Use Policy. This means that students who use their personal technology at school must abide by the established policies regarding acceptable use of the Internet, bullying, harassment, cheating, threats, student confidentiality and other misconduct that violates school rules or causes a disruption of educational activities.
Additional Guidelines
• Teachers have the discretion to determine when students may use personal technology in the classroom. Students must immediately comply with their teachers’ requests to shut down or put away personal technology. • All personal technology must be in silent mode.
• Students may not use personal technology during any assessments or tests unless otherwise directed by school personnel.
• Students shall not transmit, post or otherwise publicly share photographs or videos that they have taken of any person on school grounds or in a school vehicle.
Security and Damages
Responsibility to keep a student’s personal technology secure rests with the individual owner. New Milford School District, including its staff or employees, is not liable for any device stolen or damaged on campus. If a device is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office in a manner similar to other personal property. It is recommended that students personalize their devices for easy identification and utilize protective cases. The New Milford School District Technology Department will not service any non-district owned technology, which includes troubleshooting, software or hardware issues. Students are responsible for securing their devices and making sure that they have up-to-date anti-virus software installed, if applicable.
Failure to Follow B.Y.O.D. Guidelines
Misuse of personal technology in violation of these guidelines may result in the loss of access privileges, a prohibition on the use or possession of personal technology on school grounds, or other disciplinary consequences up to and including suspension and expulsion.
NMPS Electronic Devices Policy & Form

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